Practice Platform of Medha Research

with best practices from Industry, helping students bridge the
gap in terms of employability skills

Who We Are
A market intelligence and knowledge advisory boutique, Medha helps business and market leaders leverage the power of research-driven insights in their strategic decision making

Medha Research and Consulting is founded and led by Harshavardhan Gaddalae, a market research and strategy consulting leader with experience of more than two decades in serving clients and business leaders

Medha In News
Harshavardhan Gaddalae, Managing Director of Medha has been featured among the Top 10 Market Research Leaders in 2021
Ask Medha – Empowering Business and Market Leaders with Research-driven Insights
Market Intelligence
Market and Consumer Insights, Industry and Market Trends, Issues, Analysis…
Competitive Intelligence
Competitive Intelligence is not always about insights into performance of competitors...
Knowledge Advisory
Be a thought leader in your domain and gain the confidence of prospective customers leveraging...
Research Vani – Empowering B-School Students with Industry’s Best Practices
The Concept
An exclusive platform for B Schools being offered by Harshavardhan, Managing Director of Medha towards helping students bridge the gap with industry in terms of employability skills
Expert Speak
Practical Insightsfrom leaders and stalwarts in business, corporate and academic domains, drawing on their personal experiences, insights and advice to would be- and emerging leaders.

Medha Insights
Have a query, an idea, a suggestion or an invite? Just provide us the relevant details to call you back to discuss. You can also email us if you prefer.
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